Month: March 2018

7+1 tips to keep your bag small and light during your trip

7+1 tips to keep your bag small and light during your trip

I started my five month long travel in Southeast Asia last October, with a 30 liter capacity backpack. It was 7 kilos and I brought it along as a hand luggage all the way. My bag’s size didn’t change significantly, I arrived home after five 

Started here, ends here – Singapore

Started here, ends here – Singapore

I had difficulties with writing this post. Even watching Kung Fu Panda 1, 2 & 3(!) became a higher priority. It is the same feeling, like before important exams I suddenly have the urge of cleaning my apartment and washing the dishes, as if with 

Malaysia just gets better – Malacca

Malaysia just gets better – Malacca

It seems that I keep visiting some place, where I had no intention to go at all, but it turns out to be a good decision to spend some time there. I was thinking about what to do after the Cameron Highlands a lot. I 

Green rolling hills – Cameron Highlands

Green rolling hills – Cameron Highlands

I was heading to the Cameron Highlands from the super hot and humid Penang. I travelled with Deborah, whom I met in the hostel in George Town. We didn’t sleep much the night before and it didn’t have to do anything with the travel excitement. 

In love with Penang

In love with Penang

I seem to easily fall in love with cities I never meant to visit. This was the case with George Town as well. But I don’t mind. Do you know the feeling, when you arrive somewhere and you feel at home immediately? This was exactly