Tag: angkor

Angkor by bicycle

Angkor by bicycle

I was only sure about one thing in Angkor: I’m not gonna hurry. I take my time to enjoy the sites, to have joy and to really live in the moment. I decided to cycle every day to the temples to keep my freedom and 

Angkor impressions – third chapter

Angkor impressions – third chapter

Enjoy the next chapter of my impressions, that shows even more that there is life in Angkor beyond Angkor Wat. The less popular temples are also magical. Every day here is a proof, that this place deserves more, than only a 1-2 day visit. Banteay 

Angkor impressions – second chapter

Angkor impressions – second chapter

Here comes the second chapter of my visual story of Angkor, this amazing and charming site. Diverse experience in many sites: it is worth to discover the many temples, not only Angkor Wat. Bayon The central temple of Angkor Thom, with the 200+ faces carved 

Angkor impressions – first chapter

Angkor impressions – first chapter

I have no idea how to share my Angkor-experience with you. It is beyond amazing, I simply don’t know the words to use. The intense feelings and experiences just flooding me and I still process the fact, that I can be here, I can experience